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At my 27th birthday I was told, "You are retired already. There will be work in your life, but you are retired." About 10 years later I was given the name "Captain Vacation" as a term of scorn from co-workers. I've tried always to live up to those two inspiring moments.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015



The above should probably say "Spring In Arizona" but as I arrived in the 48th state in February and left before April was over I was there for the winter.  In calendar terms, yes Spring begins in at the Equinox, but in the Sonora Desert it ends a few weeks after that in a season called "The Snakes Are Out" which slowly turns into "Waiting for Monsoons" as the temperatures climb to 100 before the end of May.  All of this takes place amidst a decades long political climate event called "When Will John McCain Go Away?"  

Anyway, I arrived at Amanda's house in Paradise Valley, where Donald is currently ensconced. Alas, it's now on the market.
In case you know anyone with a couple mil extra that needs a project, here's a link to what I call

 Many cocktail hours on the porch included a palette like the above, or this

Donald & I officially became Old People this winter as we charted a course though the Happy Hours Islands in the sea of rich people that is Paradise Valley/Scottsdale. "Islands" with names like Marriott and local treasures abound within 3 miles of the house.  Before the dinner hour there are $5-$6 cocktails, decent to great appetizers for about the same and satisfied diners at home before 7PM. Old People.

Thom and I did a bit of the same when I was staying with him in Tucson at Bradlandia, a desert oasis if ever there was one.  Brad's been living in the same neighborhood through at least three of his many lives and put together a walled, landscaped, thoughtful enclave.  For instance, anticipating building what he called his "grand gay statement of how life should be", he tore down the house on the lot adjacent to his current residence.....shortly before the 2008 meltdown. That lot now is home to a community garden. 

This is only part of the Tombstone Rose Hedge, which is 100 feet long and the better part of 10 feet tall

There's even a gay koi pond.
(I think some of them are just "questioning")

Arizona is loaded with fascinating opportunities for day trips out of either of the two cities. Rather than take you through the calendar, I offer a short summary of some of the fun by way of elevation. We'll make our way down, starting with floating in a balloon over Sedona with Stephen and Maggie, 

to Kitt Peak, where we looked at the sun through two telescopes,
(this one goes as far into the mountain as it is above the surface, reflecting light from the Sun down and up and down to get an acceptable exposure.)

to sunset half-way up Mount Lemon

to the rainbow welcome over Kevin's awesome desert home

to the raptor fly over at The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum

  (You could feel the breeze as they glided less than a foot above our heads.....thrilling!)

to a carpet of wildflowers across the desert floor,

to the edge of the Lavender Pit mine in Bisbee
(this enormous hole was created to extract the 7% of copper found in the former hill)

to below the surface for a tour of the fantastically preserved
discovered in the 70's and kept secret by University students, who eventually convinced the land owner of the need to preserve what he didn't even know was there.

Back on the surface, the weather was consistently perfect, there were some great meals,  and there is always a lesson and a laugh in company of friends known for decades.

 Many mornings had an interlude that looked something like this

I hope you've enjoyed riding along.

Next time I'll tell three stories of encounters with American justice, two hair-raisers and one just plain sad.

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